Childrens book agents ireland

The lisa richards agency is irelands premier talent agency representing. The cookie settings on this website are set to allow cookies to give you the best browsing experience possible. We publish only great books for children and young adults. Uk literary agents for childrens books lou treleaven. The agent s who represent the most successful irish children s writers with contact details. The true story covers littleknown historical events that changed texas, mexico and the usa forever. The agents who represent some of the most successful irish children s writers with contact details and children s agents highly recommended by uk writers remember to check each agent s website for submission guidelines before you send anything out. Irish language publisher of childrens books, school textbooks, dictionaries, music and general readers for adults. The book is being published by a wellknown publisher in new york. Penguin ireland is irelands leading publisher, covering all markets and genres. Please fill in and upload all relevant information in the form below. Having built my career in the london publishing industry, im here with a mission to launch the careers of exciting debut writers across the uk and ireland.

Inkwells aim is to bring your book a step closer to publication and they have many successes. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click accept below then you are consenting to this. List of children s book agent heres our list of 89 literary agents that currently accept submissions for children s books. In todays market, probably 80 percent of books published by new york houses get sold by literary agents.

The agency is famous for encouraging new writers and has an international reputation for talent spotting and doing great deals. Irish publishers and literary agents creative writing ink ireland. As long as people continue to have children, picture books will never go out of style. We highly recommend you read our full guide to finding a literary agent and make sure you do your research before writing a query letter or contacting any literary agents.

We are seeking a literary agent to handle our book 1993 and major motion picture movie treatment is registered with the writers guild of america westwgaw. Remember to check each agent s website for submission guidelines before you send anything out. Or ring the agency for details i know its daunting but they are always happy to advise you on how or if to submit. Offering a full range of publishing consultancy services, from one to one mentoring and critiquing, to ghostwriting and cover design, inkwell are literary scouts who work with agents and publishers both in ireland and the uk. Obrien press manuscript submission guidelines the obrien press. Proceedings were kept running smoothly by elaina ryan, director of childrens books ireland. The fastest and easiest way to send us your submission. Little island books is an awardwinning independent irish publishing company. Watson little a long established literary agency which.

Seeks writers of fiction, nonfiction,childrens and screenplays. How to find a literary agent for your book jane friedman. Commercial and literary fiction, nonfiction, biography, childrens fiction uk 15%, overseas 20%, filmtv 20%. The feldstein agency, formed in 2007, is a diverse literary agency and publishing consultancy. Darley anderson children s book agency is open to and welcomes submissions and we consider everything that comes into the agency. In ireland we are lucky to have the obrien press whose editors are happy to read unsolicited manuscripts. If youre an author from northern or the republic of ireland searching for a publisher, be sure to check out our list of 21 top irish book publishing companies accepting submissions. Little island buy books online for children and young adult. Were open to almost any topic or theme although we do ask that it has some particular relevance for irish children. Trident media group literary agency literary agents in. The childrens agent is stephanie thwaites and you can read my interview with her here. Read our guidelines for submission including postal details and.

Literary agents in and around ireland emerging writer. Please note, we are not accepting childrens book submissions at the moment. Watson, little are a longestablished literary agency which handles a wide range of fiction and nonfiction for adults, young adults and children. Hi, im sinead a literary agent based in the heart of manchester. If youre irish author looking for a literary agent to represent you and. Irish writer, elizabeth rose murray recommends her agent, sallyanne sweeney of mulcahy associates london.

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